Leverage TikTok's existing guidelines (B2C) and expand them into comprehensive TikTok For Business (B2B) guidelines that cater to a broader spectrum of content that fulfill the diverse business needs.
Prior to the establishment of the Global Creative Lab, regional Creative Labs were already in place, and each lab developed its own unique aesthetic based on the original brand guidelines provided by TikTok. Due to the involvement of multiple designers working on various content, there was a growing desire to continually introduce new styles to avoid stagnation. Unfortunately, this constant pursuit of new style resulted in a visual deterioration of the TikTok for Business brand.
We conducted thorough research on our competitors' visual presence, analyzing the disparities between their B2B and B2C brands. Drawing inspiration from our findings, we identified the strengths and weaknesses of their systems, which served as a guidance in the creation of TTFB's guidelines. Additionally, we conducted a comprehensive brand audit encompassing all our brand assets, including regional social and marketing materials, app presences and presentations, which unveiled inconsistencies and missing elements within our existing visual system.
Throughout the development of the new guidelines, we invited regional Creative Labs to participate in our biweekly co-work sessions. This collaborative approach allowed us to gather instant feedback and continuously iterate on our progress.
As a result, we enhanced the following aspects within our guidelines:
Typography system
Primary & secondary colors
Photography style
Graphic elements & patterns
Statistics & motion templates
Design system
Our identity is built upon the foundation of authenticity, creativity, and expressions, which we celebrate these values through the following key elements that define our system:
Expressive & staggered headlines
Short, staggered headlines are a great way of remixing our compositions to keep things interesting and reflect/interact with the content.
dynamic layouts
All grids and compositions within our brand system are crafted with energy and expressiveness in mind. Our design guidelines encourage designers to explore different arrangements and proportions to keep the layouts dynamic.
Celebration of diversity
The photography library is reflective of the diversity of the TikTok community, encompassing users from around the world. It is a visual representation of the inclusive nature and global reach of our platform.
Bold & Dynamic stats
Our stats embody a dynamic, energetic personality that reflects the essence of the app in both static compositions and motion.
Vibrant & lighthearted stickers
The sticker library is designed with the purpose of enhancing layouts and imagery by providing visual interest and emphasizing key elements.
Branded patterns
As part of our creative evolution, we have reimagined the TikTok logo into patterns. These patterns serve as a visual representation of our brand when imagery or videos are not present in the materials.
For full guidelines, please preview: TikTok Brand Guidelines
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